What is Visual Badge?

Visual Badge is a customized program that lets you easily design and build your badge design right before your eyes. Everything is customizable including lettering, seals, enamel colors and finish. You choose the proper attachment for your application. Dimensions are given for each badge and the preview is meant to be a reasonable likeness of your design. Give it a try:

Should I have my badge made flat or curved?

It depends on how you are going to wear your badge. Curved is most popular for wearing on a uniform and, is some cases, a leather accessory such as a universal belt clip holder. Flat is best used when you are putting your badge inside a custom-cut leather accessory. In that case, using a wallet clip and flat forming, the badge lies properly in the recess of the badge case.

How many words can I put on a badge?

Our program is set up for all badges in our catalog. Each badge may have different size panels that can accommodate a large amount of text or just a few letters. As a general rule, when you see letters beginning to touch each other in the design, you are using too much text and we would be unable to engrave it as you designed. If that happens, please re-word or abbreviate as needed. Below is an example showing how proper wording should look (line 1) and “too much” text (line 2):
